Two weeks and counting...

I thought it was pretty funny finding this image on the net. It says in Hebrew "Ha'chaim al mizvadot" which translated basically means living out of a suitcase.
Well folks, that's MOI!
I am now officially on the home stretch. Today I moved into Shalom College, where I work and this will be "home" until I take off on December 4th.
I will be making one final trip to Melbourne this weekend for work, but obviously I will be taking the opportunity to spend as much time with my family and close friends as possible.
I am definitely feeling a lot calmer about things now. I am more philisophical and resigned to the fact that I am going. I know that doesn't sound like I am leaping out of my skin to go, but I think I am being realistic and to be honest, I would be worrying about me if I was all "yeah! When can I hop on that plane already?"
Of course I am excited (and nervous and stressed and all that other stuff) but in my heart I know that this weekend will be the last weekend I spend with my folks and my brother for quite some time and I think it is ok to feel sad about that.
Anyway, I wish I had some fabulous deep words of wisdom or some really bad poetry, but I don't. I am going to head up to my room, stick on some Joni Mitchell and do some sorting out.
Will write a more exciting update soon.